About Minecraft
NothingLoad save menu
The load save menu is where you load and create worlds.
To select a world, you click it.
The create new world button takes you to the Create world menu.
The play selected world button loads the selected world.
The edit button takes you to the Edit world menu.
The delete button deletes the selected world.
The export button puts the save code of the selected world in the input box.
The cancel button takes you back to the main menu.
These controls are used only when playing in a world* Right-click (or ctrl + left-click): place block * Left-click: Remove block * Middle-click: Pick block * Q: Sprint * Shift: Sneak * W: Walk forward * S: Walk backward * A: Walk left * D: Walk right * E: Open inventory * B: Toggle super Breaker * Z: Zoom * L: Toggle Spectator mode * Enter: Toggle slab/stair mode * Arrow Keys: look around * P or Esc: pause/unpause * 1-9 navigate hotbar * Spacebar: jump * Double jump: toggle flight * Shift (flying): fly down * Space (flying): fly up * T: Reload textures * ; (semicolon): Release the pointer without pausing (for screenshots) * Backspace or delete: drops the item you're holding right now * / to open chat * H for Hyper builder * O to toggle third person mode
Health is a feature only in survival.A heart looks like this:
A half heart looks like this:
When you create a new world, you start with 20 health.
When you have 0 health, you die.
Losing health
There are many ways to lose health inluding fall damage, being attacked by other players, and touching cactus and lava.Effects
There are effects that change how the hearts look.When you are withered, it looks like this:

When you are freezing, it looks like this:

When playing a world, press e to open the inventory.Creative inventory

Survival inventory

More info will come soon.
You can access the crafting grid from the inventory or by right clicking a crafting table.The inventory crafting grid is 2×2.
The crafting table's crafting grid is 3×3.
Some things require a crafting table to be crafted.
Click the collapsible to see crafting recipes
oh wait, it's kinda hard to show the recipes 'cause i don't have
Crafting recipe types:Fixed: You have to put the items in the grid the exact way.
Shaped: The ingredients have a certain shape and the shape can be moved around.
Shapeless: The ingredients can be arranged on the grid in any way